C# MCQ With Questions and Answer

You want to present the following formatted number: "999.000.000,00"Which function call is correct?
A.print format_number(999000000);
B.print number_format(999000000);
C.print number_format(999000000, 2, ',', '.');
D.print number_format(999000000, 2);
E.print_number(999000000, 2, ',', '.')
Which of the following parts must a XML document have in order to be well-formed?
A.An XML declaration
B.A root element
C.A specified encoding
D.A reference to either a DTD or an XML schema definition
Which of the following statements is true?
A.All PHP database extensions support prepared statements
B.All PHP database extensions come with their own special helper functions to escape user data to be used in dynamic SQL queries
C.All PHP database extensions provide an OOP interface
D.All PHP database extensions appear in the output of php -m , if installed
Given the default PHP configuration, how can all of the parameters provided via GET be accessed in a form of a string?
What is the best way to run PHP 4 and PHP 5 side-by-side on the same Apache server?
A.Run one as an Apache module, the other as a CGI binary.
B.Run both as a CGI binary.
C.Just use .php4 for PHP 4, and .php for PHP 5.
D.Use .php for both but use different document roots.