C# MCQ With Questions and Answer

An HTML form contains this form element: <input type="image" name="myImage" src="image.png" /> The user clicks on the image to submit the formHow can you now access the relative coordinates of the mouse click?
A.$_IMAGE['myImage']['x'] and $_IMAGE['myImage']['y']
B.$_POST['myImage']['x'] and $_POST['myImage']['x']
C.$_POST['myImage.x'] and $_POST['myImage.y']
D.$_POST['myImage_x'] and $_POST['myImage_y']
When comparing prepared statements and regular, application-constructed SQL statements, which of the following is true?
A.Prepared statements are faster
B.Prepared statements are always shorter
C.Prepared statements are more secure
D.Prepared statements are easier to develop
E.None of the above
In a shared hosting environment, session data can be read by PHP scripts written by any userHow can you prevent this?
A.Store session data in a different location with session.save_path
B.Store session data in a database.
C.Enable safe_mode.
D.Set session.name to something unique.
Which of the following data types cannot be directly manipulated by the client?
A.Cookie Data
B.Session Data
C.Remote IP Address
D.User Agent
Which session function can help to avoid session fixation?
E.None of the above.