php mcq questions with answers

When a thread returns from a WaitSleepJoin or Suspended state it returns to the:
A. Unstarted state
B. Stopped state
C. Started state (now considering a part of the running state)
D. a and b
E. all of the above
The way of returning a thread from s suspended state is:
A. Pulse
B. PulseAll
C. Interrupt
D. Resume
E. ReStart
The ThreadPriority enumeration does not contain:
A. Lowest
B. Highest
C. BelowNormal
D. None of the above
In order to lock/unlock an object use the.
A. Lock and Unlock methods
B. Enter and Exit methods
C. Close and Open methods
D. Close and Allow methods
Class String and the Char structure found in the:
A. System.Strings namespace
B. System.Text namespace
C. System.Chars namespace
D. System namespace