Magento 2 set number of products per page

Here is how to change number of products per page in magento2.
For example you want to set “10” products per page.

1.Login to admin panel of magento2.

2.Goto “STORES” in left panel and then click “Configuration”

3.Click on “CATALOG” and in sub item click “Catalog”

4.Click “Storefront”

5.Set “Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values” to new value like 10.

6.Set “Products per Page on Grid Default Value” to new value like 10.

7.If you also want change for list view then you can do same.

8.Click “Save Config”

9.If it is ask for clear cache the goto “SYSTEM” in Left panel and then Click “Cache Management”

10.”Select All Cache Type” –> Select “Refresh” –> Click “Submit”

Thats All See Video Demonstration